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Release name Executable Sources Note Date
UnrealSpeccy repository repository history всегда свежий
DirectX files for UnrealSpeccy sources 870k for MSVC6

System soft:
Release name Executable Sources Note Date
ACEdit 1.08 360k included 13.12.23
MCX viewer v0.4+ 340k included ZX Evo gfx fix 03.10.21
Mr Gluk Reset Service v6.64 700k included Pentagon 2.666LE resident (fixed), SD boot 07.07.21
BGE 3.12demo 2Mincluded by Dart Alver 27.04.20
NedoOS repository всегда свежий
8col v0.14 87k included window frame bugfix 16.10.18
NedoLang (ARM Thumb release candidate) 1Mincluded hotfix6 22.11.18
BGE 3.09 New Loupe 1Mincluded by Dart Alver 08.06.17
NedoLang (48K version) 1Mincluded 30.06.17
BGE 3.08 1.7Mincluded 23.07.16
AsmPre 30k included 02.11.15
BGE 3.07 see Info Guide #11 800k 13.08.15
BGE 3.06b 120k 400k 17.09.14
Mr Gluk Reset Service v6.63 360k included Pentagon, ATM2, Pentagon 2.666/ATM3 versions 28.08.15
Evo SDK fix 3.5M included Kempston joystick, TFM, #3D13 addon, big images, loading screen 09.02.19
Unreal Project gfx engine 2M included 31.10.13
ALASM 5.09 + STS 7.5 180k included english help (ask Hood for MB02 ALASM)
ATM textmode support included, STS drive change fix
ACEdit 1.07 310k 240k 10.06.14
Con18pal gfx convertor (Windows) 600k included R-Mode fix, R48-Mode, doc 03.04.20
palchanger 100k included 20.01.14
CWarp 14.01 50k not found 15.01.14
ACEdit 1.06 265k 230k 14.01.14
System disk 600k various authors
Info Guide #9
ACEdit 1.05 250k 270k 15.10.13
ZX Spectrum on ZX Spectrum emulator v0.2 200k included 14.10.13
view102 for ATM2 + sources 510k 13.10.13
CacheVox v1.1 870k included 12.10.13
JPEG viewer v0.50 270k included 11.10.13
8col v0.13 85k included 10.10.13
RetroX to GRF v0.1 (Windows) 100k included 09.10.13
MCX viewer v0.4 340k included Pentagon 2.666 detect fix 04.05.17 08.10.13
ZXUnRar v0.61 + RarView + DyaView 370k included fix3 01.08.15
Beep Tracker "b'tman" engine 200k included english help inside 18.05.13
AC Edit 1.04 280k included 17.09.10
Beep Tracker 1.0 fix7 100k included english help inside 13.04.10
Mr Gluk Reset Service v6.61 180k 230k ATM&stack fixed 10.01.10
HDDoctor 0.12 70k included 08.11.09
Mr Gluk Reset Service v6.6 100k 230k keys&doctor fixed 25.10.09
ALASM 5.08 + STS 7.4 170k included english help (ask Hood for MB02 ALASM) 25.10.09
Beep Tracker 1.0 fix6 230k
tape version
included english help inside 16.07.09
MCX viewer v0.3 280k included v0.1 - Info Guide #10 06.10.08
AC Edit 1.02 30k 250k 31.05.08
AC Edit 1.01 30k 250k 25.04.08
AC Edit 1.00 40k 250k 01.04.08
ZX video converter (Windows) 300k included Info Guide #7 16.01.08
Chip Tracker 1.4 + Sample Mixer 2.0 100k 130k music - 400k 29.07.07
Sample Mixer 2.0 21k included 29.07.07
Con18 gfx convertor (Windows) 300k 50k 22.04.07
Mr Gluk Reset Service v6.4 100k 250k turbo fixed 08.02.08
Mr Gluk Reset Service v6.3 60k 200k Info Guide #7
ProTracker v3.73 350k included
ProTracker v3.72 35k 170k (+helps)
ProTracker v3.71 220k included
TFM instrument editor v0.4 5k 15k
mRIP v0.6 10k
Microboot (1 sector) 1k 1998
MC2 (multicolor editor) 2k 1998
PAINTBRUSH (chunky editor) 6k 1997
Font 2.06 170k don't exist (separate procedures) 1996
DOCTOR1 (disk doctor) 1k included 1994
Animator 1k included 1993

Release name Executable Sources Note Date
Astro Marine Corps with palchanger 140k 12.04.22
Your Game 6 games 4M 13.02.21 with ATM fix
Your Game 5 games 3M 22.12.19 with Dune2 fix
Space Monsters meet THE HARDY 100k 330k Yandex Retro Games Battle 30.10.20 with ATM fix
Billiard 14k 29.04.15
Zooming Secretary 30k Your Game 5, fixed version 12.07.14
2048 game 70k Your Game 5 12.07.14
ZXZVM fix for ATM2 550k included about Z-machine, games 14.11.13
Big L demo version 150k included 08.11.13
Rubik's Cube simulator 210k included 05.11.13
Hexagonal Filler (ATM2 version) 370k 370k 16.10.13
Snake121b 2k included 19.03.07
Sewerage 85k included 01.01.07
Hexagonal Filler (fixed version) 53k 110k 18.05.08
Color Lines micro-game 5k 13.01.08
Reaction micro-game 1k 1k 15.09.07
Ball Quest (gold release) 90k 300k
screens - 900k
Chaos Constructions 2006
Info Guide #9
Ball Quest MSX Version 120k see above discussion 11.03.07
Ball Quest level editor (Windows) 250k 50k by Shiru 21.10.06
Time Gal 90M at nedopc.com 90k ZX Evo fix CD, use this or this to run 15.01.06
Pang 16C at nedopc.com 600k Info Guide #8 +ATM16C.$B, fix 16CCON 28.04.20
Wolfenstein 2004 v2004.02 500k 600k Chaos Constructions 2004 22.02.05
Wolfenstein 2004 level editor 50k see above by Shiru 10.02.05
Wolf demo #3.5 14k 2002
16 game 1k included 1996
Space game 1k included 1995
Test (Умеете ли вы выслушивать правду?) 3k included 1995

New Year 2023 (2022) ny2023.zip 700k (sources included)
NedoGift: LVD 35 (2017) nedogift.zip 12k (see sources in NedoLang)
Self Printing Greets (2015) self_printing_greets.zip 1k (sources included)
New View 48K (2015) New_View_48K.zip 400k, sources 4M
Raytrace1K (2018) raytrace1k.zip 1K
48K/128K multicolor scroll (2015) multicolor_scroll120fix48_128K.zip 16K, sources included
IVP2014 ATM/Evo gfx compo slideshow by Alone Coder (2014) - post-party IVP2014.rar 200K, sources 700K
IVP2014 ATM/Evo gfx compo slideshow by nitrofurano (2014) - what was shown slideshow_ipv2014_evolutiongfxcompo.zip 200K (sources included)
NedoDemo 2 (2014) nedodemo2.rar 1M, sources 3.5M
Parallax example (2013) parallax_baseconf.rar 1.4M (sources included)
Chaos Zoomer 1K (2013) chaosatm.zip 1M
The Board 2 (2013) theboard2.rar 1M, sources 6M
New Wave 48K (2013) newwave.zip 190K, sources 6M
KOT (2012) MKBORDER.rar 2.6M (sources included)
The Board (2011) theboard.zip 300k (sources included), Quake model converter
The Link (2009) TheLink.rar 170k (sources included), about
Nedodemo (2008) nedodemo.rar 70k, sources 4M
JTN29 gift (2007) JTN29.rar 14k
Beeper 2-bit ADPCM player (2007) for Pentagon 512k/ATM2 ADPCM.rar 150k
Beeper player (2007) (fixed) for Pentagon 512k/ATM2 SHIM3.rar 260k
Catdemo (2006) for real ATM Turbo2+ CATDEMO.rar 1M, sources 180k
ZX-Guide & Inferno/Info Guide intros (1998-2006) - inside them
16 color demo (2005) for Pentagon 1024 SL 2.x/ATM Turbo 2 16COLOR.rar 55k
Dimon 128k video (2003) (ParaDigMus'03) DIMON128.rar 100k (music from Lamergy #8)
Body #40 (mandelbrot fractal) intro (2003) MANDELB.rar 6k
its source & Stellar Contour fractal part remake (2002) ZOOMZOOM.rar 30k
Body #32 (icosahedron) & Body #3c (triangle chunks) intros (2002) - inside them
Sinclair Club #5 (border ball) intro + basic pixel scrolly (2002) - inside it
Unreleased Inferno #4 (cartoon) intro (2002) INTROI4.rar 30k
Mars 128b(no music)/512b(with music) (2002) (Ascii'03 out of compo) MARS512B.rar 5k
Allods demo (2001) allods_48.sna 48k - see the sources in ZX-Guide #4.5
Everybody Must Die demo (2001) - run ZX-Guide #4, run Chip Tracker from the menu, quit it
KINO (2001) KINO.rar 100k
128 bytes intro compo (2000) 128b_intros.zip 25k
Побег из дома game (1998) - run ZX-Guide #4, press ANY in intro
demos & other stuff by Nikphe/Codex/AnarchiA (1998-2000) NIKFEDEM.rar 300k
demo & boot by Basil/Invaders (1998) BASILDEM.rar 20k
48k demo (1997) for Pentagon 48KDEMO.rar 7k
Nothing demo (1997) NOTHING.zip 1k

Miscellanious files:
3D engine 3dengine.zip 4M
mode7 engine mode7.zip 100K
DNA OS (all versions) by ZET-9 dnaos.zip 5M
DNA OS various helps and letters by ZET-9 dnahelps.rar 76k
DNA OS (.ISO) by ZET-9 dna_nemo_iso.zip 100k
SUZI (UZIX port for ZX Spectrum) by ZET-9 suzi.rar 900k
TR-DOS ROM for DNA OS by Matlash & ZET-9 MZROM206.zip 110k
ASCii 2008 invitation by Fishbone fixed for ATM Turbo 2 ascii8i.zip 80k
vD16F by Fishbone (2008) fixed for ATM Turbo 2 VD16F.rar 30k
Borntro 2008 by Fishbone (2008) fixed for ATM Turbo 2 born8.zip 50k
ATM Turbo 2 coding example for sjasm atm_example.rar 1M
TR-DOS versions tree TRDOSES.rar 300k
"i'm gonna be your wife!" by Nik-O (TurboSound FM, запись с реала) jow.mp3 850k
Нерабочий Pentagon Alone Coder'а pent1.jpg 80k
Pentagon Alone Coder'а, некогда принадлежавший Dissonator'у pent2.jpg 70k
Pentagon Евгения Серёгина pent3.jpg 70k
Процессорный узел Pentagon'а, вырезанный вручную KSA-7G pent4.jpg 60k
Поля дорожки MFM - дисковод Robotron 5,25" MFM_Robotron.jpg 380k
ATM Turbo 1/2/3 software list
ATM Turbo 1/2/3 releases history
say AY speech engine

DiHalt 2007:
Official pack
Official results
Report (Russian)
ZX 640k game
ZX 512b intro
ZX 640k demo
ZX Realtime coding
ZX work for Wild compo (by PSB) - 1st place out of 9
ZX Realtime gfx (topic is "city heat")
ZX gfx
ZX music
TurboSound FM music - virtual voting
TurboSound FM music compiled for real ZX Spectrum